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back in Malaysia

I'm holed up in a city called Kota Bharu, on the mainland just across from the islands i'm supposed to be enjoying were it not for my mystery disease.

After 2 weeks of persistent misery, i finally broke down and went grudgingly to the hospital. they did the usual barrage of blood tests and to my disappointment, i don't have either dengue fever or typhoid. to have one of those would've been a welcome relief to the unknown sickness i've had for the past 2 weeks.

while in the hospital, i received a topical fever remedy lubed gently onto my sphincter by a muslim nurse. i haven't had a gooey finger up my bunghole since high school home economics class, which much like the muslim nurse experience, i did not dislike. i just wish she'd call me, that's all. is it wrong to wanna be loved after being sodomized?

look, i have nothing more to say unless you want me to get into detail on my daily cold sweats or sleeping in more pools of bodily excretions.

if i do make it over to perhentian islands, eventually, i'll have no internet access so you'll have to make due with a stale site until i return. them's the breaks.

pray for a swift death. i think it's the least i deserve for all my charitable works and lavish gift giving in the community.

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