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women of indonesia (verdict: peep-tacular!)

it's come to my attention, a montage of attractive local girls is long overdue:

Indonesian montage

... not to neglect the ladies (& boys), an indonesian man fashionably handsome in his androgyny:

Indonesian montage 2

unfortunately, i only remembered to begin snapping pictures when i reached my last Indonesian island of Sumatra so the sampling is select and in some ways, misrepresentative, skewed far towards the Muslim end. i apologize to the incredibly attractive non-Muslim, non-prostitute women of the Indonesian archipelago for doing them a great disservice but you can take my word for it, they're deliciously attractive albeit entirely bounded by the rules of look-but-dont-touch. interestingly, they seem to have little desire for good looks in the men they date leaving hope for those of us gifted only with dented chests, inverted penises and US&A passports.

on a related note:

A high school teacher was charged under Texas' peeping-tom law with videotaping girls' wrestling matches for his sexual enjoyment.

click here for the article or read the following for the quotable highlights:

"Police said David Ware, 28, often zoomed in for close-up shots of the girls' crotches."

..."charged under a 2001 law meant to protect people from ultra-small cameras that can be used to peek into dressing rooms or up women's skirts. Under the law, filming a person without consent for sexual arousal is a felony."

i'm not quite sure if the law directly applies to me but to the authoritites, i say, tack this offense onto the growing list of misdimeanors and felonies i've committed in my illustrious petty criminal past. in my defense, i've luckily lost the ability to be aroused from an incident i call 'the great high school bunsen burner accident of 1993.' simply put, i couldn't achieve a full and lasting erection even with the help of a 7 y/o vienna boys' choir member.

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