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laos pictures

dear drooling masses,

don't be confused, i didn't misspell "louse" so you're not gonna get a series of parasite pictures. but, i suppose that all depends on your opinion of backpacking german or french tourists.

not too much going on in laos. just a pleasant country with the number 2 friendliest people in the world after cambodia. and fear not for i made not a single dong joke in my pictures (i think).

Laos Pics



You know, I was talking to Brad last weekend and he said, "I've been trying to call Dan for weeks, but all I get is his answering machine." I guessed, "maybe he's off in Thailand being unproductive with XXXXXXXXXX."

damned if i wasn't right.

so we've gone from pius taking way too many pictures of children, michael jackson style. too way too many pictures of a semi-naked buttnut.

tell dan that the yankees suck. actually they won the opener and the unit was pitched great.


on this forum, i'm to be referred to as "the jerk"

and if you care for them, i have full nude pictures of buttnut. but that's only if you want.

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