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love those khmers

waking up to leave bangkok was harder than i'd anticipated. i woke up late not once, but 5 days in a row. it's tough to change your sleep schedule when you've been going to bed drunk at 4am every night.

I finally dragged myself out of bed after 2 solid hours of sleep determined to reach cambodia. after some minor skirmishes at the Thai-Cambodian border with some useless cambodian touts, i boarded public transportation (read: back of a pickup truck) for the 6 hour trip to Cambodia's 2nd largest city, Battambang. Wow, what a city... or should i say series of connected villages. I've never met more friendly people on the face of the earth than Cambodian villagers. this after their recent history of death and terror. in my defense, i'd like to say (in the immortal words of shaggy), "it wasn't me."

You're probably asking, how do the women look, and where do the high school girls hang out in Battambang? answer: delicious, and at the local strip joint.

i rented a hog again, as i did in india and rode my brains out, going to as far away villages as 10 miles away... and with my sore back, i shouldn't be biking that far away!

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