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lazy daze phnom penh

not much going on in this part of the world except loads of sitting around and sweating under a constant blazing sun. i've found a guesthouse on a lake in phnom penh able to keep me here despite having very little for entertainment or sightseeing during the day.

guesthouse picture

evenings, though, are far from unexciting. most fellow travelers stuck at this place down illegal drugs (as well as socially acceptable drugs) until the sun nearly rises. i don't blame them considering an ounce of marijuana costs only US$2 and beers range between $0.75 to $1.50 depending on the amount of formaldehyde and like substances mixed skillfully in the beer. it really helps when your guesthouse is owned by a police officer and condones recreational drug use under his protectful watch.

prostitutes are abundant and available at any nightclub in town, costing a mere $5 for an entire night of stirring the diseased pot.

i promised myself only another day of this and then move onto greener scenery in cambodia - that was 6 days ago. i promise myself nothing anymore... but don't cry for me. i'm already dead.


Alright then Pius, what kind of gifts are you bringing me back from Phnom Phen??? hte 2oz kind?


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