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ground zero point five

the mood seems relatively light in Bangkok. pot-head backpackers and pot-bellied chunky foreign chicks stroll idly around khao san road w/o a care in the world. besides a few donation centers (some of dubious intent), there's little sign that any major tragedy happened recently. everyone appears good natured and ready to take in a ping pong ball show or two.

apparently, most of the people here haven't drowned in the recent tsunami but honestly, it's hard to tell sometimes as a few, mostly british travelers, appear braindead.

i'll spend a merry new year's eve here and hopefully move onto Cambodia tho the free wireless internet at this guesthouse does its best to keep me in Bangkok forever.

merry new year's, turkeys and a word of caution: avoid the above-the-groin mistletoe.


Where's the guesthouse in Bangkok with free wireless internet? I'll be in town in the morning and desperately need an affordable place where I can get online and work from my room.

it's not officially the guesthouse's service but it's nonetheless an unsecured wireless connection that anyone w/ wireless can connect to. guesthouse is "new my house guesthouse" near khao san road on the northwest corner outside the temple walls. very fast reliable connection.

email me if you need more info. by the way, i'm curious how you found my website. was it listed in google or something?


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