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another year, another set of endemic diseases

a new year is upon us and as tradition dictates, it behooves me to bestow a title onto the 2008 calendar year.

as each year passes, i'm poignantly reminded of my fading youth and further sagging man-breasts when the latest NBA phenom is 15 herniated years my junior.

there is, however, a remarkable flip side: as of january 1, 2008, a new crop of 18 y/o's begin to attain 'legal' status. furthermore, these young lasses have the special distinction of being the first group of girls born in the 1990's that can't get you listed on your state's Megan's law website (do the math yourself. i think you'll be pleasantly surprised.).

finally you can aim for the heavens and try to fulfill the ultimate male fantasy of dating a girl born in the 90's without fear of incarceration. act soon and you may even get another shot at high school prom - this time less pimples but more colostomy bag! so have no fear for the next time you're grinding that youthful stranger's ass at the 18 and over dance club, you may hit this new litter of 90's born gold!

without further ado, i dub the current calendar year:

2008: the year of legality for girls born in the 90's.

past year's titles:

2007: the year of getting down to my scientifically determined weight based on my height, age, sex and ethnicity. (aka the year of losing 30 - 35 lbs; mission: accomplished)
2006: the year of touching at least 1 female (mission: failed)
2005: the year of avoiding malaria and/or dengue fever and/or a sneaky castro (mission: results unknown)
2004: the summer of pantslessness (mission: accomplished)
2003: the summer of shirtlessness (mission: overwhelmingly accomplished)


it's time to go back to work , the vacation has been long enough:-)

happy new year shirtless and pantless asian wonder

sir nitti: make me!

yo obrad: suck it!

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